are you feeling like you are so alone & wandering around in the dark?
are you tired of not feeling good? or right? or not happy? or miserable? or anything that you don't want to feel?
are you experiencing an abusive relationship?
are you experiencing a mental illness, such as depression, an anxiety disorder or traumatic stress?
do you have an eating disorder?
are you addicted to something negative as a coping mechanism for other problems you don't know how to deal
“We cannot learn to Love without honoring our Rage!
We cannot allow ourselves to be Truly Intimate with ourselves or anyone else without
owning our Grief.
We cannot clearly reconnect with the Light unless we are willing to own and honor our
experience of the Darkness.
We cannot fully feel the Joy unless we are willing to feel the Sadness.
We need to do our emotional healing, to heal our wounded souls, in order to reconnect
with our Souls on the highest vibrational levels. In order to reconnect with the God-Force that is Love and Light, Joy
and Truth.”
Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls by Robert Burney
“The way to stop reacting out of our inner children
is to release the stored emotional energy from our childhoods by doing the grief work that will heal our wounds. The
only effective, long term way to clear our emotional process - to clear the inner channel to Truth which exists in all of
us is to grieve the wounds which we suffered as children.
The most important single tool, the tool which
is vital to changing behavior patterns and attitudes in this healing transformation, is the grief process. The process
of grieving.
We are all carrying around repressed pain, terror, shame,
and rage energy from our childhoods, whether it was 20 years ago or 50 years ago. We have this grief energy within us even if we came from a relatively healthy family, because
this society is emotionally dishonest and dysfunctional.”
Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls by Robert Burney
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need" of something positive in their lives.... give recovery a try!
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informational website concerning emotions & feelings. it does not advise anyone to perform methods -treatments -
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treatment that should be considered only thru a medical doctor, medical professional, or mental health professional.
in no way are we a medical professional or mental health professional.